Thursday, February 12, 2009

Power to The People Youth Project

A few weeks ago Urban Arts Partnership and New Design High School produced a series of 4 Day intensive Workshops with students in grades 9-12. Teachers formed groups of 2 or 3 to co-teach a unique curriculum formulated on their artistic background and education background. I teamed up with Laura Rubin to teach a special Power to the People Poster Project.

The Project consisted of 3 case studies the students performed on Assata Shakur, Black Panther/Young Lords, and The Chicano Walkouts. A person, organization and event. Out of these case studies students were able to create inspirational posters. We created screens of the their designs and silkscreened posters in the class. We used the technique of Wheat pasting to take over a wall in the school.

Here are the flix from the Workshop.